Vision-guided robot solution combines 3D-vision with machine learning
Increases manufacturing flexibility and efficiency
Solmotion is a system that automatically recognizes the product’s location and makes corrections to the robot path accordingly. The system reduces the need for fixtures and precise positioning in the manufacturing process, and can quickly identify the product’s features and changes. This helps the robot to react to any variations in the environment just as if it had eyes and a brain. The use of AI allows robots to break through the limitations of the past, providing users with high flexibility, even when dealing with previously unknown objects.
Solomon’s AI technology combines 2D and 3D vision algorithms, alternating them in different contexts. Through the use of neural networks, the robot is trained not only to see (Vision) but also to think (AI), and move (Control). This innovative technology was honored in the Gold Category at the Vision Systems Design Innovators Awards. In addition to providing a diverse and flexible vision system, Solmotion supports more than twenty world-known robot brands. This greatly reduces the time and cost of integrating or switching different robots, giving customers the ability to rapidly automate their production lines or quickly move them to a different location. This makes Solmotion a one-stop solution that provides system integrators and end-users with a full range of smart vision tools.
Through a modular and intelligent architecture, Solmotion can quickly identify product changes and make path adjustments in real-time, regardless of any modifications made to the production line. This results in a more -flexible manufacturing process while improving the production environment to become a zero mold, zero inventory smart production factory.